After hearing about the initiative I was pretty confident that above listed problem of mine gets solved.

Chevendra Lakshmi Venkata Sai Deepak
Understanding what the dream company is expecting from me. I have time to learn, but what should I learn ?

Siddartha Addanki
The session was amazing and I was very much interested in hearing more from Shyam Sir in his course

Pratik Sunil Singh
This is a very good initiative as unemployment is increasing very fast in our country.

Aman Pathak
To introspect myself and to know my worth and the areas to be improved.

Siva Shankar
Approaching dream company and selling myself. Limited opportunities.

Omkar Gharat
Companies do not want to hire for a specific role until they have some previous experience on the field. I feel this is the biggest challenge for a student/work-ex-ed to switch to some other

Amaan Alam
My dream job is landing in a pre-sales(rfp/bid management) role the skills required for this role most of the colleges doesn't provide this is the major challenge

Thumma Sushanth