6 Rules to Follow While Making Career Choices

Nowadays this is the most difficult question to answer.

There comes a phase in every student’s life in which the need to focus on board examinations or the pressure to ace the entrance examinations comes all together.

And in the midst of all the uncertainty, you are sitting there wondering what exactly you want to do? And uncertain about your future!

Yes, It is indeed a big deal…

But that simply doesn’t mean that you make hurried decisions and land up in a course or a career path that doesn’t lift you up or helps you grow.

We all have been in the same situation and have been targeted by a lot of people who tell you what’s good for you.

Thus it is necessary for students to make career choices based on their interests and capabilities.

6 Rules to Follow While Making Career Choices

As a matter of fact, do you really think anybody else can decide what’s really good for you? I am not saying you stop listening to what people say, but at least be sane enough to implement what would work for you and what wouldn’t. So let’s try and talk about the things that no one ever tells us while making career choices:

Rule-1: Don’t get persuaded

While juggling between what you should do and what shouldn’t, you’ll see a lot of people around you advising you and telling you all the better options for your career. And the more you listen to people, the far you go away from your own opinion. One day you might find job X interesting and the other day you’ll find job Y more financially appealing. And that’s when it is necessary to set your own priorities right, deciding what according to you is important and thus making the right career choices. Listen to whatever people say, but try to “do” what you think is right. Follow these 6 rules to make the right career choices:

Rule-2: Don’t get easily influenced

The thing that nobody tells us is to follow our own hearts. If you think you are good at something, for example, painting, then you should not need to worry about why people are going for an MBA or CA. If you are sure something would make you happy by pursuing it, you’d automatically want to do well in it and other’s decisions and opinions wouldn’t affect your progress. Therefore choosing a career should be solely based on your interest. People’s opinions must be listened to, but the decision-taking part must be the basis of your own interest

Rule-3: Don’t fall for “Do what you are good at” 

Making career choices on the basis of what you are good at may look like an easy option but it is very temporary. You’d have to find where your interests lie and where you want to be. All you need to figure out is where your interest lies.

Let’s take for an example of a boy who scores extremely well in accountancy and ends up taking CA as his career path without looking at the job profile and working style. The boy soon realized that he is neither doing well in his preparation for the entrance exams nor is able to focus on other options. Just because you are good at something shouldn’t be the basis for your career.

Rule-4: A year drop – Not a big deal

Year drop is the toughest decision for everyone, and especially for parents. Who wants their child to sit at home and do nothing? Well, that is all true but if dropping a year means you need time to introspect and look for options and perform well in the exams, then a year drop isn’t that bad an option. The mentality that a drop means the child is not focused or is wasting time should change because to a great extent it is not true.

There are times we need to take a break and figure out things, and if a year’s break helps in making career decisions more favorable than when looked from a bigger perspective, this could save anyone from taking wrong career decisions. Therefore, before deciding to take a year off, make sure you have evaluated your options carefully and that whatever you decide, it helps you grow which wouldn’t have been possible otherwise

Rule-5: Change of plans is alright

Gone are the days when everyone was supposed to stick to one particular field and follow it for the rest of life. With so many options available everywhere, if you think you no longer like to continue what you were passionate about earlier, you should not be afraid of exploring for more options. Explore options and then make the right career choices.

Although it is generally thought that after investing a lot of time and money there seems no logic in not pursuing it any longer. But as a matter of fact, if you really think that you cannot continue, just take a break and introspect. Talk to people and share your fears and if it’s justified you can always change your career path.

Rule-6: Take risks

We are always told to focus on one thing and not take risks. But if there are so many opportunities available in the market to test your skills and interest, one must always strive hard, one must always say yes to opportunities to keep exploring options and never settle for just one thing. There are so many options available that may guide you towards even better and fulfilling career pathways. Factually, a very large part of your career helps you in defining your attitude and personality.


Always remember that your career plays a huge role in defining your life, so in case you feel you are in need of some guidance, you can always take help from your seniors and make decisions. If you still feel you need more clarity, you can always take help from career counselling experts at Job Readiness Hub.

“There are No Limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking”

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