I Am Special words on a sign held by a man in a crowd standing out as different, unique, exceptional, rare or uncommon as the best choice to hire for a job, choose for an assignment or pick for a task

Importance of Additional Specialization Courses for Students Employability

Today’s workforce requirements are dynamic and changing. On one side Talent Acquisition & Business leaders are hunting for rightly skilled resources. On the other side, semi-skilled resources are looking for opportunities.

This clearly states that there is a Talent Demand Vs Talent Supply gap.

This is because, most colleges / universities offer students the basic foundational courses & a graduate degree..

Hence, they are not meeting the employability needs of the corporates.

What is a Specialization Course?

A specialization course offers a series of related courses to better prepare students for their internships and future careers.

Not only that, but also offers a lot of fun and allows students to explore their career interests in greater depth.

Specialization courses help students to cover their skill gaps

Specialization Courses help students to become Job Ready for the Future of Work.

Specialization Courses help students to build their Talent influence in front of their targeted Hiring Managers & Recruiters.

Situation Today….

Your specialization is not just your special subject or skill.

For example, If you’re planning to study Engineering (or) Medical, eventually you will have to chose your area of specialization / Streams.

In reality, Not every student is going to work in the same field of their studies..

Being in the Corporate Talent Acquisition space and having hired from a lot of campuses, I have seen a lot of Mechanical Engineers and Automobile / Chemicals Engineer taking up IT / Programming / Software roles. They have also grown & made-up their careers as Program Manager / IT Architect, etc. There is nothing wrong in doing so.

The reason for this is that they have taken up jobs / roles and travelled along with the trend. Nothing wrong..

But in the long run, a majority of them realized that:

1. They don’t enjoy doing this for their life-time.

2. They have to continuously learn and keep them updated to stay away from job redundancies.

3. They undergo learning programs / take-up specializations offered by their employer / workplace to stay competitive

4. They have to switch careers based on their interests after a long career span (Wasting so much of their lifetime in a wrong place / work)

So, if this is the case – why not choose your Specialization much earlier when you are graduating….

Hence – Your college course is just a degree….

Making you probably a graduate & Interview Ready – BUT NOT really Job Ready / Career Ready / Corporate Ready

How to Choose a Specialization Course?

There are a few factors to consider while choosing your area of specialization…

These factors include academic factors, social capital factors, future prospect factors, human capital factors, market demand factors and finally job prospect factors.

Everyone is unique and so is everyone’s specialization too…

So, while choosing a specialization for yourself, you need to first have your Unique Career Niche Clarity

Benefits of Specialization Courses

Some of the Top benefits of specialization courses in the modern-day workforce is that:

  1. It helps an individual to have an aligned career
  2. It helps to build your Talent Influence aligned with your chosen Career Niche.
  3. It helps to Future Proof your Career by staying competitive
  4. It helps to fulfill the Talent demand for skilled workers & many more…

Success Story – Role of Specialization Courses on Top of Basic Curriculums

As a first year in a Full-Time MBA program, I am amazed at the amount of knowledge and skills I have accumulated in such a short amount of time. While the MBA core classes have given me an extremely valuable foundation in general business, I believe that the specialization courses are what truly sets me apart from rest of the crowd.

Marketing Research, for example, was one of my favorite classes during my first year in the program. Taught during the fall semester, this class explained how to use a research-based approach to come up with valuable insights and solutions to business problems. This included learning a variety of both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, and we even got to design our own research project based on a local company of our choice.

But the specialization course – Marketing Analytics, taught me a variety of techniques for analyzing and modeling data. This included building marketing mix models and working with Nielsen data, skills that are highly applicable during brand management internships but are not often taught by schools.

Learning about real-life business problems and strategies from experts in the field has been an incredible experience via Specialization programs. I am so excited to put these learnings to use during my internship. Thanks to the specialization courses, I feel confident that I will attract a successful internship, and I’m looking forward to continuing to grow and build upon my skills as a future brand manager!



Everybody is Specializing these days.. Are you??

If you have a menu card like options to choose from… rather than getting lost in the World of Tech

Actionable Assignments to attain Career Niche Clarity by understand your unique self interests.

Then it becomes easier for you to go after and choose a career for yourself rather than taking up something which comes your way and then later realizing that this job / role isn’t for you and you aren’t enjoying this.


Talent Supply Gap In The Future Of Work

On one side, fresh students & youth talents are looking out for opportunities…

On the other side, corporate leaders & Talent Acquisition professionals are hunting for talented individuals…

So, it is very evident that there exists a Gap in Talent Supply.

Why do Talent Supply Gaps occur? 

·       Digitization is reinventing businesses.

·       This often happens because technology advances so quickly that it becomes hard for employees to keep up.

·       Organizational planning is no longer an annual event – It is a constant readjustment to changing priorities.

·       Technology and strategies are changing work faster than the workforce can adapt.

Technology advancements, the rise of cloud, socio-economic and demographic changes are shifting expectations and placing new demands on society.

Skills like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, productivity and more are already in demand in organizations around the world, yet jobs remain unfilled, the talent gap persists and is set to widen. 

Who is considered as “Talent Supply”???

Its the Candidates (Job Seekers) / Fresh College Students / Youth Talents, who are considered as Talent Supply for the “Future of Work”

Now that YOU are aware of the existence of Talent Supply Gap and who are considered as Talent supplies..

Now, Who Is Responsible to bridge this Talent Supply Gap?

In order to grab the available opportunities at organizations, whose responsibility is this to bridge the gap?

Indeed, Its the responsibility of the fresh students / youth talents to:

prepare themselves for the Future of Work,

bridge the gap for their desired role (after attaining their unique Career Niche Clarity)

and position themselves as a Future Ready workforce…

To sum it up – It’s the responsibility of youth talents, fresh graduates, and job seekers – who need to be equipped and cross-trained to meet the ever-growing skill requirements of organizations.

How to bridge this Talent Supply Gap?

Students need a Readiness Program to:

1. Explore their self and understand themselves better.

2. Align themselves with the available options for The Future of Work

3. Take up Specialization courses on top of their basic curriculums

4. Build their Talent Influence

6 Simple Steps To Attain “Job Readiness”

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Organizations are looking at building a Future Ready Workforce – Are You READY?

In short:

  1. Fresh Graduates and Youth Talents like YOU need to be prepared with the trending skills to become a Future ready workforce / Tomorrow’s workforce.
  2. You need to pick-up some specializations on top of your basic curriculums which will help you thrive in the “Future of Work”
  3. You need a guided Readiness Programs to unlock Career pathways in fast growing fields.